Monthly Archives: September 2012
Johnny Appleseed
Homework for the week!
Homework for the Week of September 24-28
1. Read 20 minutes every night. Please write title of book in planner.
2. READING- “Johnny Appleseed” p. 13 PROVE ANSWERS (DUE THURSDAY)
3. MATH – page 17/18 “Homework” PROVE ANSWERS (DUE THURSDAY)
4. MAP due to Mrs. Odom (social studies switch class) by next Tuesday, October 2
**Map can be of anything (examples would be of your bedroom, house, neighborhood, etc.)
**Must include child’s name, title of map, compass rose, and key. I showed the students an example today. Please make it neat and colorful.
Sneak Peak into the Week
Unit 3 Spelling Test will be on Friday, September 28th.
always know large show few very because too there those their read out about might found Be sure to review with your child the difference between to, too, two/there, their, they’re/know, no.Pop’s Bridge by Eve Bunting is our Journey’s story for the week. This is a story about the building of the Golden Gate Bridge. Robert is a boy who has a father, Pop, that is working to build the bridge. Robert has faith that his father can do it even when many do not believe it is possible. His father is a high-iron man and works so high up that he is called a skywalker. The boy is so proud of his dad and the job that he loves. When the bridge is almost finished, there is a terrible accident on the bridge. Luckily his dad and his friend’s dad were safe, but 10 of the 12 workers that were a part of the accident died. The book shows the boy experience this part of history and really appreciate all the people that were involved.
Vocabulary Words:
crew ~ a group of people who work together
tide ~ the regular rising and falling of the surface level of the oceans caused by the pull of the moon and the sun
cling ~ to stick or hold tight to
balancing ~ putting in a steady or stable condition
foggy ~ full of, having, or covered by fog
disappears ~ to pass out of sight
stretch ~ to extend
excitement ~ the state of being excited
Our comprehension test and vocabulary test will be on Friday, September 28th.Math
We will introduce money skills this week. Students are expected to recognize a group of coins and determine their value.
We will also continue our place value, comparing/ordering, add/sub with regrouping, and problem solving skills.Box Tops
Progress Reports
The first progress report came home with your student yesterday.
Please look over it, sign at the bottom, and return with your student on Monday.
Parent Orientation Slide Show
Here is a link to the slide show from 3rd Grade Parent Orientation. Mrs. Neely made reference to these slides during her talk. There is great information in this slide show about third grade and the expectations for the students.
Slide Show Link:
If you missed parent orientation, be sure to check out the video on the White Oak Intermediate blog.
Spelling City and Other Updates
Dear Parents,
Spelling City is now up and running on Mrs. Johnson’s class blog. All your child needs to do is click on the Spelling City image on the right sidebar and he or she will be able to practice the weekly spelling and vocabulary words in a variety of engaging ways.
Additionally, Ms. Black has kindly volunteered to add informative posts to this blog during Mrs. Johnson’s absence. Thank you, Ms. Black.
Mrs. Langley Starts Wednesday, September 19
Dear Parents,
After much waiting I have received confirmation that I have been scheduled for surgery next week. Minnette Langley will sub for me beginning Wednesday, September 19, so that I may complete my final doctor appointments prior to surgery. My recovery period is estimated to be between 4-6 weeks. As I stated before, Mrs. Langley is an experienced long-term sub, and has come to me with high recommendations. Moreover, she is loved by the students, which is obvious and heartwarming when I have observed them interact with her. Mrs. Parker, our principal, has also observed Mrs. Langley in my classroom and has reported to me that the class was run smoothly and effectively. It is the combination of Mrs. Langley’s classroom management skills and relationship with the students that make her such a good fit in my absence.
The best way to communicate with Mrs. Langley about your child is to either write a note in his or her planner or call the classroom telephone at (903) 291 – 2129. Mrs. Langley knows how to access my voice mail and will return your calls. Additionally, Mrs. Langley will be sure to send home the weekly spelling and vocabulary words. She will also have the students write them in their planners. I will not be able to keep my blog updated during my convalescence. However, you may access and subscribe to the other third grade teachers’ blogs through my blog to stay updated on third grade happenings.
Thank you all for your understanding, support, prayers, and best wishes during this time. Sometimes it takes a trial to know how blessed we truly are. This is very true for me. I will be thinking of you all, especially my students, and looking forward to a speedy recovery so that I can get back to doing what I love to do ~ teach children.
Math and Reading Homework Due Thursday, September 20
Today students received their weekly math homework, Skill Practice p. 10, which is due Thursday, September 20. This is a place value assignment. Place value charts will be sent home tomorrow if your child needs it for support in answering the questions.
In addition, students received a short reading passage with questions titled “Learning About Chimpanzees,” which is also due on Thursday, September 20. Students need to take their time reading the passage and the questions carefully before deciding on the best answer choice.
Graded papers have gone home today in the homework folder. There is a new place to initial on the inside pocket of the homework folder with Monday dates replacing Thursday dates. Please help your child keep the graded papers separate from the weekly homework and notices. Graded papers do not need to be returned.
Lastly, 20 minutes of nightly reading is also required Monday through Thursday to build fluency. A general rule to follow to know if your child has an appropriate level book is the 5-finger rule. The students have been taught to read one page and put up one finger for each word they do not know on that page. If less than five fingers are up, the book is not too hard. If five or more fingers are up, the book is too hard. In order to build fluency, students must have books that they can read with a natural flow.
Students have access to my classroom library and the school library on a daily basis. Books are encouraged to be taken home. If your child is consistently not bringing home a book please write a note in the planner.
If your child has time after all I have mentioned above, it is also very important to drill those basic addition and subtraction facts with either computer or web-based games as well as old fashioned flashcards and matching games.
Thank you for all of your support.