Math – Rounding

This week in Math we are going to be working on rounding numbers to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred.

We will be learning different tricks to help us remember which numbers round up and which numbers round down.

This week’s Vocabulary

VOCABULARY (WORDS FROM “What Do Illustrators Do?”)


1.  tools – things people use to help them do a job

EXAMPLE: Louis picked up one of his father’s tools and accidentally poked himself.

2. sketches – quick drawings without much detail

When Mary was four, she was learning to make sketches instead of scribbles.

3. scribbles – drawings or doodles, drawn in a quick or careless way

The teacher asked us not to make scribbles but to take our time and make a lovely drawing.

4. research – careful study of a subject or problem

I love being able to research the Civil War and all the heroes that fought in the War Against Brothers.

5. textures – ways that surfaces look and feel

I won’t wear some clothes because of their scratchy textures.

6. imagine – to see a picture in your mind

As you’re reading, imagine that you’re in the scene to get a better understanding.

7. illustrate – to make pictures that show something

After reading, I want you to illustrate the two characters cooking.

8.  tracing– copying the outline or shape of a thing on see-through paper

My teacher told me that I did a phenomenal job tracing around the letters.