VOCABULARY (WORDS FROM “Young Thomas Edison”)
1. genius – an unusually talented or smart person
EXAMPLE: Albert Einstein was a genius in physics.
2. signal – a sound, motion, or other sign that sends a message
My teacher held up her hand as a signal for us to listen.
3. electric – produced by, producing, transmitting, or powered by electricity
The electric guitar was my favorite gift that I received for Christmas.
4. laboratory – a place where scientists work and do experiments
Thomas Edison loved to tinker with numerous gadgets in his laboratory.
5. gadget – a small, useful machine or device
The scientist didn’t need a gadget with knobs and levers for his invention.
6. experiment – a test to learn about how the forces of nature work
First, an inventor must perform an experiment to test an idea.
7. invention – something new
In the mid 1970’s, a new little invention called Post-It Notes was invented by Arthur Fry.
8. occasional – happening from time to time
Surely an occasional piece of chocolate won’t hurt, right?