TEST ON FRIDAY, December 14th
1. creative– inventive and imaginative
EXAMPLE: My teacher loves it when I share my creative ideas.
2. report – to tell or write about something
We had to report how tall our cabbage plants had grown.
3. charts– information sheets with tables or graphs
We carefully filled out the charts about the type of artwork we’d completed.
4. educational – providing knowledge
My parents were thrilled that the movie contained facts about animals and was
5. presentation – a report or display
Our school will host a presentation of certificates to the winners of the contest.
6. certificate – document recognizing an accomplishment
All the winners received a certificate that honored their accomplishments.
7. impressive – generating wonder or amazement
It was impressive that my friend could recite all fifty states and capitals.
8. erupt – to burst out
My dad’s face made him look like he was going to erupt because we bent his golf club.