Spelling Test on Friday, February 8, 2013
1) it’s – It’s too soon to go home.
2) different – What is different about leap year?
3) try – I will try my best on the test.
4) know – Do you know your address?
5) there – There is an answer for each problem.
6) began – The concert began 15 minutes late.
7) knew – We knew our math facts last year.
8) then – If you study, then you should do well on the test.
9) sure – It is sure to rain later in the week.
10) school – I see a brick school building.
11) its – My dog loves to wag its tail.
12) told – My teacher told my mom that my work is improving.
13) little – My little brother is in kindergarten.
14) once – Once in a while we have a special treat.
15) however – However, I wish we had treats more frequently.
16) often – We often have hamburgers for lunch.
17) still – Birds still build a nest in my oak tree each year.
18) today – We will play on our new playground today.