Next week is a busy week at White Oak Intermediate. Please make note of the following important dates.
On Tuesday, February 26, third grade students will take a math benchmark test.
On Wednesday, February 27, intermediate students will have early release at 12:30, so teachers may attend training.
On Thursday, February 28, third grade students will take a reading benchmark test.
In addition, you will be receiving a flier regarding Camryn Noll, eight month-old niece of primary teacher, Rhonda Noll. Camryn is fighting a life-threatening disease and White Oak Elementary will be having a “Coins for Camryn” campaign the week of February 25 – 29. Students may bring spare change or donations to school, and families are asked to keep Camryn and her family in their prayers. In addition, students are encouraged to follow the daily themes written below:
Monday, February 25:
“More Hugs For Camryn” – Students may bring a stuffed animal to school.
Tuesday, February 26:
“Team Camryn” – Students may wear a shirt from their favorite team (White Oak, college, or pro)
Wednesday, February 27:
“Wishing Sweet Dreams For Camryn” – Students may wear dress code appropriate pajamas and tennis shoes to school.
Thursday, February 28:
“Thinking About Camryn” – Students may wear a hat to school.
Friday, February 29:
“Funny Faces For Camryn” – Students may wear face paint to school (no bloody or scary face paint please.)