Spelling Words Test Jan. 11

Unit 13 Spelling Test will be on Friday, January 11th.

1.  study ~ The students need to study their spelling words.

2.  picture ~ She took a picture of the beautiful horizon.

3.  night ~ The bats will search for food during the night.

4.  house ~ Do you have an extra key to your house?

5.  being ~ Some of the older students are being very helpful to the younger students.

6.  almost ~ The children were excited when they discovered we were almost at the amusement park.

7.  around ~ The dogs ran around the tree chasing a squirrel.

8.  light ~ Would you please turn the light on so we can see better?

9.  new ~ Did you get a new pair of shoes for church?

10.  Earth ~ We live on the planet Earth.

11.   off ~ Please turn the television off when you leave for work.

12.  first ~ The fastest runner crossed the finish line first.

13.  don’t ~ Texas and Florida don’t get much snow during the winter.

14.  second ~ This will be the second time I have called him to the phone.

15.  there ~ Sally put the stack of papers over there on the table.

16.  world ~ The boys would love to travel around the world during the summer.

17.  people ~ There are so many people on the train today.

18.  without ~ You cannot go outside in this weather without a coat and hat.

Vocabulary Test Jan. 11

 VOCABULARY (WORDS FROM “Yonder Mountain”)

  TEST ON FRIDAY, January 11

1. fondly – in a loving or caring way

EXAMPLE: Grandfather often thought back fondly on the birth of his only child.

2. mist –  a fine spray or light fog

After being in the sun for a few hours, the mist of water felt so refreshing on my face.

3. peak –  the pointed top of something

The most climbers to reach the peak, or summit, of Mount Everest in a single day was 40 people on May 10 in 1993.

4. rugged – rough and uneven

Our group of hikers gingerly walked along the rugged trail to avoid bumps, rocks, and holes.

5. pausing –  stopping briefly

Our instructor kept pausing to get it completely silent in the room so the film could begin.

6. steep –  having a sharp slope

When I spotted the steep incline of the water slide, my heart began to flutter in my chest.

7. examined –  looked at closely

The doctor carefully examined my leg before he diagnosed that it was fractured.

8. pleaded– argued or begged

We pleaded with Mom and Dad to get our family a dog for Christmas, but it was no use.

Spelling Words Dec.3-7

Unit 11 Spelling Words

Test will be Friday, December 7th


1.  thought ~ I thought we would go to the show this weekend.

2.  something ~ We should do something before I have to return home.

3.  school ~ We will not have school during the Christmas holiday.

4.  there ~ Please place the books over there on the table.

5. need ~ There are plenty of people who need new clothes.

6.  could ~ During the thunderstorm, we could see some tornadoes.

7.  hand ~ Would you give me a hand with this heavy box.

8.  important ~ It is very important that you follow your teacher’s directions.

9.  don’t ~ The boys don’t want to go to the mall and shop.

10.  far ~ If you wonder off too far, you might lose your way.

11. your ~ Hang your coat in the closet.

12.  high ~ We can use the yardstick to measure how high off the floor you are.

13.  again ~ The class will take the test again next week.

14.  once ~ The group calmed down once they saw who was behind the curtain.

15. they ~ If they want to go to the program, they will need to finish the assignment.

16.  year ~ Can you believe that half the school year is almost over!

17. than ~ Sally has more gumballs than Peter does.

18. enough ~ Will we have enough money to purchase the new shoes?

Young Thomas Edison Vocabulary

VOCABULARY (WORDS FROM “Young Thomas Edison”)


1.     genius – an unusually talented or smart person

EXAMPLE: Albert Einstein was a genius in physics.

2.    signal – a sound, motion, or other sign that sends a message

My teacher held up her hand as a signal for us to listen.

3.     electric – produced by, producing, transmitting, or powered by electricity

The electric guitar was my favorite gift that I received for Christmas.

4. laboratory –  a place where scientists work and do experiments

Thomas Edison loved to tinker with numerous gadgets in his laboratory.

5.  gadget – a small, useful machine or device

The scientist didn’t need a gadget with knobs and levers for his invention.

6.    experiment –  a test to learn about how the forces of nature work

First, an inventor must perform an experiment to test an idea.

7.    invention –  something new

In the mid 1970’s, a new little invention called Post-It Notes was invented by Arthur Fry.

8.    occasional –  happening from time to time

Surely an occasional piece of chocolate won’t hurt, right?

Poetry Vocabulary Test Friday, Nov. 16th

Test will be on Friday, November 16th.

1.  rhythm –  the beat or cadence of poetry

Example:  But soft! What light through your window breaks?

2. rhyme –   two or more words which match in the same last sound

Example: cat/bat  or  flew/grew

3.  meter – the meter is the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse

Example:  “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” from Shakespeare. The stressed syllables are capitalized.


4.  repetition – using a key word several times through a poem

Example:             Because I do not hope to turn again
Because I do not hope
Because I do not hope to turn….

5. couplet –   two-line stanzas that rhyme

EX.    Don’t tell lions not to roar,
Don’t tell Granddad not to snore.

 6. haiku – lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of 5, 7, 5 syllables

Falling to the ground (5 syllables)
I watch a leaf settle down (7 syllables)
In a bed of brown. (5 syllables)

7. free verse – a flowing poem that does NOT have a particular pattern


Alarm rings
Mom enters
Sadness comes
I must get up

Joel Walton

Six Weeks Test Scheduled

This next week your children will be taking six weeks benchmark tests.  We will take the math test on Monday and the reading test on Wednesday. Make ups will be held on Tuesday and Friday.  It is very important that all children be at school for these tests so that we can get the accurate information to help our students be successful.

Due to the six weeks test, we will NOT be having a spelling test.

Math Skills for November 5-9

This week in Math, third grade will be starting multiplication. We will be focusing on equal groups, drawing pictures, and using repeated addition to solve problems.

Important math vocabulary that will be addressed include:

  • Factor – the numbers multiplied together 4X5=20

  • Product – the answer to a multiplication problem 4X5=20

  • Array– an arrangement of pictures/objects in rows and columns

We will also review subtraction with regrouping, money, and estimation.

Spelling Test Friday, Nov. 9th

Unit 9 Spelling Words

Test will be on November 9th


often ~ We often walk in the park on warm days.

use ~ Will we use the paper on the project?

kind ~ Which kind of spider is poisonous?

head ~ The child cried after he hit his head on the pole.

also ~ We will also go to the grocery store.

four ~ There are four kinds of apples on the table.

show ~ The teacher will show us how to work the problem.

been ~ Have you been to the office yet?

around ~ We will work our way around the neighborhood.

began ~ The librarian began to read the story to the children.

above ~ The birds fly above the building.

long ~ We made it to the finish line long before the other runners.

took ~ It took over two hours to drive down to the coast.

air ~ The air is crisp and cool during fall.

there ~ Please set the bags of food over there on the table.

were ~ We were going to the mall when her mother called.

large ~ There were two very large bear cubs near the trees.

might ~ She might take us to the game tonight.

Poetry Vocabulary Test

Poetry Vocabulary

Your child received the first page of poetry vocabulary words.  Review these six words and their meanings with your child. They will be tested on these vocabulary words on Friday, November 9th.


1. stanza – one of the divisions of a poem (used like paragraphs in a story), composed of two or more lines, usually characterized by a common pattern of meter, rhyme, and number of lines

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

2. simile – a comparison between 2 unlike things using “like” or “as”

Example: She was as clever as a fox.

3. metaphor– a directly stated comparison without using “like” or “as”

Example: Our defensive line was a rock wall last night.

4. onomatopoeia – the sound suggest the meaning (the attempt to spell out a sound)

Examples: boom, bang, growl, buzz, meow
**We heard the hiss of the snake.

5. personification – giving human characteristics to inanimate objects

Examples:  The teeth of the comb
**The wind softly whispered in our ears.

6. alliteration – The repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables

Example:  Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Math – Rounding

This week in Math we are going to be working on rounding numbers to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred.

We will be learning different tricks to help us remember which numbers round up and which numbers round down.