Important Benchmark Information

Students may bring one new, unopened bottle of clear water to school on Tuesday and Thursday to use during benchmark testing.  Room temperature water with a pop top lid works best during test days.  Students may also bring 2 pieces of gum and 2 pieces of peppermint or other hard candy to use during the test.

Third grade lunch will be from 11:00 – 11:30 on both benchmark days.  Students may bring a lunch from home or purchase a cafeteria lunch.   Please do not deliver lunch on testing dates.

Thank you for all of your support.  White Oak parents, teachers, and students make a great team!


Homework Information for February 25 – March 1

Due to benchmark testing this week, third grade students will not be assigned reading and math homework other than asking that students continue to read at least 20 minutes each night and practice the basic addition/subtraction and multiplication/division math facts.  Additionally, students will not be assigned a spelling list nor have a spelling test this week.


Important Upcoming Dates

Next week is a busy week at White Oak Intermediate.  Please make note of the following important dates.

On Tuesday, February 26, third grade students will take a math benchmark test.

On Wednesday, February 27, intermediate students will have early release at 12:30, so teachers may attend training.

On Thursday, February 28, third grade students will take a reading benchmark test.

In addition, you will be receiving a flier regarding Camryn Noll, eight month-old niece of primary teacher, Rhonda Noll.  Camryn is fighting a life-threatening disease and White Oak Elementary will be having a “Coins for Camryn” campaign the week of February 25 – 29.  Students may bring spare change or donations to school,  and families are asked to keep Camryn and her family in their prayers.  In addition, students are encouraged to follow the daily themes written below:

Monday, February 25:

“More Hugs For Camryn” –  Students may bring a stuffed animal to school.


Tuesday, February 26:

“Team Camryn” –  Students may wear a shirt from their favorite team (White Oak, college, or pro)


Wednesday, February 27:

“Wishing Sweet Dreams For Camryn”  –  Students may wear dress code appropriate pajamas and tennis shoes to school.


Thursday, February 28:

“Thinking About Camryn”  –  Students may wear a hat to school.


Friday, February 29:

“Funny Faces For Camryn”  –  Students may wear face paint to school (no bloody or scary face paint please.)





Unit 19 Spelling List

Test on Friday, February 22, 2013

1)  during  –  During the day, students work very hard.

2)  other  –  I think you should wear the other dress to the party.

3)  thought  –  The principal thought the program was interesting.

4)  what  –  We didn’t know what car you would be driving to the show.

5)  their  –  The group of children forgot their lunches at the picnic.

6)  today  –  Today is a national holiday.

7)  would  –  We figured you would be watching television.

8)  some  –  Please bring me some chips to go with my sandwich.

9)  heard  –  After we heard the bad news, everyone wanted to cry.

10)  said  –  The baseball player said his muscles were very tight after practice.

11)  they  –  They did not want to go to the store during the storm.

12)  landed  –  The coach flipped the coin and it landed on tails.

13)  answer  –  It is important that your answer is reasonable.

14)  change  –  Do you have any change for the vending machine?

15)  could  –  The boy knew he could win the race.

16)  use  –  You can use my lucky pencil during the test.

17)  several  –  We saw several wolves in the distance.

18)  example  –  A block is an example of a cube.




Unit 18 Spelling List

Unit 18 Spelling Test:  Friday, February 15, 2013


1)  important ~  It is important to read every day.

2)  young ~  The young bird fell out of its nest.

3)  whole ~  Can you eat a whole grapefruit?

4)  picture ~  I cannot picture myself as a baby.

5)  hear ~  We hear the train’s whistle several times a day.

6)  across ~  The ship sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe.

7)  thing ~  The student couldn’t find a thing in his desk.

8)  little ~  My little dog is actually older than my large dog.

9)  since ~  It has been a long time since I was in kindergarten.

10)  sun ~  I could feel the warm rays of the sun.

11)  don’t ~  We don’t run inside the building.

12)  about ~  Do you remember what your dream was about?

13)  said ~  The meteorologist said it will rain tomorrow.

14)  would ~  Would you like to join our game?

15)  however ~  However, we will have to take turns.

16)  there ~  There had to be a better answer to the question.

17)  knew ~  The boy knew he wanted to take karate lessons.

18) through ~  The bird flew into the house through the open window.


Unit 17 Spelling List

Spelling Test on Friday, February 8, 2013

1)  it’s  –  It’s too soon to go home.

2)  different  –  What is different about leap year?

3)  try  –  I will try my best on the test.

4)  know  –  Do you know your address?

5)  there  –  There is an answer for each problem.

6)  began  –  The concert began 15 minutes late.

7)  knew  –  We knew our math facts last year.

8)  then  –  If you study, then you should do well on the test.

9)  sure  –  It is sure to rain later in the week.

10)  school  –  I see a brick school building.

11)  its  –  My dog loves to wag its tail.

12)  told  –  My teacher told my mom that my work is improving.

13)  little  –  My little brother is in kindergarten.

14)  once  –  Once in a while we have a special treat.

15)  however  –  However, I wish we had treats more frequently.

16)  often  –  We often have hamburgers for lunch.

17)  still  –  Birds still build a nest in my oak tree each year.

18)  today  –  We will play on our new playground today.